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will this turn into a normal pc game (not browser)?
will it be free or paid?

(1 edit)

cant wait for the next update

I really liked the game. Thank you very much, I hope you don’t abandon it


No, we are working hard on the upcomming update. Thanks for the comment :)

Are you guys gonna make an android version for this?


could use more work for sure, but pretty fun taking photos of anime girls

glad you like it. Updates on the way!

You should add a gallery for the images you collect.

great idea. I’m not really sure how to do that, but will see if i can figure it out in the next build

Why can't I sell the images of the mother and sister?

I took a picture of them, so I should get 2 cash from that, but the photos don't count for whatever reason.

thats a bug!

Dev has so many bugs I thought this was an insect game lol
No time to run 75% of the time.
Sound controls just take you to the main screen again that is annoying.
I was not impressed with the paper mario style its lazy, moving is slow and images are not really adult more fan service pg anime shit.

thank you for your comment. There is for sure stuff to work on. This is still a demo, så comment line this is very usefull:)

Glad to hear Map wise would be better more pokemon rpg like style. 
Getting jumped should be avoidable by direction or a meter for danger level and more random not every time.
More ways to get adult/nude pics EX. showers changing room, nude area of beach, ect...
Would like a run/fast move key like shift or r to speed up maybe have a cardio level meter to limit.
a gallery to record all pics taken and add some ways to talk to girls with answers to unlock hidden sex scenes or something.

some great ideas. The first thing i will look into is a new system for the beach guard. Is dos not work great right now